

En el pasado Evento Colossus .NET de Microsoft en pereira en el cual obviamente no estuve presente, se entrego unos CD´s mas utilidades del evento a persona que respondian pregunstas que se hacian, ese material que no lo tenia, pero que gracias a DragonN quien estuve ahi con otros mas de su comunidad las propociono se los dejo, abajo les adjunto el contenido del CD y el enlace para su descarga.

Readme del CD

The Windows Academic Program supplies universities with concepts, code, and projects useful for integrating core Windows® kernel technologies into teaching and research.

The program components include Windows Operating System Internals Curriculum Resource Kit (CRK), Windows Research Kernel (WRK), and ProjectOZ. This CD contains source code and build environment from the Windows Research Kit, the materials from Curriculum Resource Kit and ProjectOZ. Provided also are Microsoft PowerShell RC1 and information on the Windows Embedded Academic Program.

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

You may only use the contents of this CD if you agree to the terms of the license agreements associated with the individual program components. If you do not agree to the terms, do not use the accompanying materials.


Organization of the CD

Windows Academic Program Components

The WindowsResearchKernel-WRK directory contains NTOS kernel source code from the latest released version of Windows and the build environment. The VirtualPC subdirectory contains VirtualPC 2004 SP1 software.

The CurriculumResourceKit-CRK directory contains the Windows Operating System Internals Curriculum Resource Kit with Instructor Supplement. The Windows Internals eBook subdirectory contains a copy of the book titled Microsoft Windows Internals, 4th Edition by Mark Russinovich and David Solomon, Microsoft Press, 2005.

The ProjectOZ directory contains the overview of the ProjectOZ experimental environment and information on downloading
the latest version.

Additional software and materials

The PowerShell directory contains Release Candidate 1 (RC1) of Windows PowerShell.

The WinCE directory contains information on Windows Embedded Academic Program.


Additional information about using Windows for teaching and research
in operating systems is available at

Specific questions about the WRK, CRK, or ProjectOZ can be directed to

[email protected]

The Windows Academic Program discussion forum is located at

A discussion forum regarding development of operating systems curriculum
based on the Windows kernel, including use of the Windows Curriculum
Resource Kit, the Windows Research Kernel, and ProjectOZ.

Questions & answers regarding the Windows Research Kernel,
its architecture, source code, and use in teaching and research.

Questions & answers regarding use of ProjectOZ for teaching and
research of operating systems topics.


Web del Autor

No somos responsables de los enlaces en la caja de comentarios sociales, usarlos bajo su propio juicio.
@Scrabenger 27/03/2009 01:43:53 #1

jimmy porfa vuelve a subirlo lo necesito, un abrazo y gracias por todos tus aportes capo…

@ernesto 11/11/2009 22:04:40 #2

los links no funcionan… me gustaria poder conseguir este material… muchas gracias por compartir

@Mizu 30/04/2011 14:46:23 #3

Este para que sirve??? ^_^

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